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Warden Hill Infant School

E Safety 

E-safety refers to the measures and practices implemented to ensure the safe and responsible use of technology and the internet by children and staff. This encompasses a wide range of activities and protocols designed to protect individuals from risks associated with digital environments. Here are the key components of e-safety at Warden Hill Infant school:

  1. Education and Awareness:
    • Teaching children, teachers, and parents about online risks and safe internet practices.
    • Integrating e-safety education into the  computing curriculum, covering topics like cyberbullying, online privacy, digital footprint, and the ethical use of digital resources.
  2. Policies and Procedures:
    • Establishing clear policies regarding acceptable use of the internet and digital devices.
    • Implementing rules and guidelines for appropriate online behavior and communication.
  3. Technical Measures:
    • Using filtering and monitoring software to block inappropriate content and track online activities.
    • Ensuring secure networks and protecting personal data through encryption and other cybersecurity measures.
  4. Support and Reporting Mechanisms:
    • Providing resources and support for children and staff to report and deal with online issues like cyberbullying or inappropriate content.
    • Offering support services for victims of online harassment or abuse.
  5. Parental Involvement:
    • Engaging parents in e-safety education through workshops, newsletters, and online resources.
    • Encouraging parents to monitor and guide their children's internet use at home.
  6. Cyberbullying Prevention and Response:
    • Developing specific strategies to prevent and respond to cyberbullying incidents.
    • Promoting a positive school culture where respect and empathy are emphasized.
  7. Digital Citizenship:
    • Fostering a sense of responsibility and ethical behavior in the digital world.
    • Teaching children about their rights and responsibilities online, including respecting others’ privacy and intellectual property.
  8. Regular Updates and Training by staff:
    • Keeping up with the latest developments in technology and online risks.
    • Providing ongoing training for teachers, staff, and students to stay informed about new threats and safe practices.

By implementing a comprehensive e-safety strategy, Warden Hill Infant  have created a safer digital environment, helping children to navigate the online world responsibly and securely.

E Safety Advice

E-safety advice is crucial for protecting children and ensuring they have a safe and positive experience online. Here are some key pieces of advice for different stakeholders—children, parents, and educators:

For children

  1. Protect Personal Information:
    • Never share personal information such as your full name, address, phone number, or school name online.
    • Use strong, unique passwords and keep them private.
  2. Think Before You Post:
    • Be mindful of what you share online, including photos and personal details.
    • Remember that once something is posted online, it can be difficult to remove.
  3. Respect Others Online:
    • Treat others with respect and kindness, just as you would in person.
    • Avoid participating in or condoning cyberbullying.
  4. Know Your Privacy Settings:
    • Regularly review and update the privacy settings on social media and other online accounts.
    • Limit who can see your posts and personal information.
  5. Be Skeptical of Strangers:
    • Be cautious when interacting with people you don’t know online.
    • Never agree to meet someone in person that you only know online without talking to a trusted adult.
  6. Report and Block:
    • Report any inappropriate or harmful content to a trusted adult or platform authorities.
    • Block users who are harassing or bullying you.

For Parents

  1. Stay Informed:
    • Educate yourself about the latest apps, games, and websites your children are using.
    • Keep up-to-date with current online trends and potential risks.
  2. Set Ground Rules:
    • Establish clear guidelines for internet use, including time limits and appropriate websites.
    • Use parental controls to restrict access to inappropriate content.
  3. Communicate Openly:
    • Encourage open and honest conversations about online experiences.
    • Make sure your children feel comfortable coming to you with any concerns or questions.
  4. Monitor Online Activity:
    • Regularly check in on your children’s online activities and the people they interact with.
    • Use tools and apps that help you monitor their internet use.
  5. Teach Critical Thinking:
    • Help your children recognize and avoid online scams, phishing attempts, and misinformation.
    • Teach them to question the reliability of online sources and the motives of people they interact with online.


Click on the links to find outmore about setting up Parental Controls


Click on the link with further resources to help you keep your children safer online; while supporting broadband parental controls.


Parents guide to technology


General Tips for Everyone

  1. Be Aware of Cyber Threats:
    • Stay informed about the latest cyber threats, including malware, phishing, and identity theft.
    • Use security software and keep it updated.
  2. Regularly Update Software:
    • Ensure all devices and applications are kept up-to-date to protect against security vulnerabilities.
  3. Use Strong Passwords:
    • Create complex passwords and use a different password for each account.
    • Consider using a password manager to keep track of your passwords securely.
  4. Be Cautious with Public Wi-Fi:
    • Avoid accessing sensitive information over public Wi-Fi networks.
    • Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for added security.

By following these e-safety tips and fostering a proactive approach to online safety, everyone can contribute to a safer and more positive digital environment.


How to make a report online

Click of link below for guiance on how to report to the apporapiate channels for the correct support.
