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Warden Hill Infant School


January 2024

16th Parents Consultation 

17th Parents Consultation

23rd Supporting your child to meet Year 2 Expectations meeting for Year 2 parents 2:45pm

25th Bear Class assembly 3:00pm

26th Friends games afternoon

30th School's 50th Anniversary

31st Multi Academy Trust Information meeting for Parents 2:30pm and 5:00pm

February 2024


8th Pineapple Class assembly 3:00pm

12th February Family worker coffee morning

15th Change in lunch menu for Chinese New Year

15th Year 1 Trip to Wardown Museum (Guava & Pineapple)

15th EYFS Stick games afternoon (Caterpillar & Butterfly)

16th Year 1 Trip to Wardown Museum (Mango & Pomegranate)

16th EYFS stick games afternoon  (Ladybird & Firefly)

29th Goldfish Class assembly 3:00pm


March 2024

1st St David's Day and Friends Mothers Day Secret Shop

5th M&M production of Oliver Twist

7th World Book Day

7th Change in lunch menu for World Book Day

12th Year 2 Parent Meeting - Maths 2:50pm

14th Pomegranate Class assembly 3:00pm

15th Comic Relief - Red Nose Day

21st Mango Class assembly 3:00pm

21st Friends EID Secret Shop

27th Friends Easter Egg Hunt

April 2024

15th Year 1 Science workshop 2:00pm

16th Parent Consultations

17th Parents Consultations

19th April Friends Spring Disco 6:00pm

25th Firefly Class assembly 3:00pm

29th Year 1 Science workshop 2:00pm


May 2024

2nd Butterfly Class assembly 3:00pm

9th Ladybird Class assembly 3:00pm

15th Class Photographs

16th Guava Class assembly 3:00pm

23rd Caterpillar Class assembly 3:00pm


June 2024

3rd Family worker coffee morning 

7th Friends Fathers Day secret shop 

18th Year 2 Trip to Oxford Science centre

20th Year 2 Trip to Oxford Science centre

21st Non Uniform Day 


July 2024

1st July New Year 1 Parents Meeting 2:45pm

2nd July New Year 2 Parents Meeting 2:45pm

3rd Sports Day 9-11am

6th July Summer Fete 12-3pm

10th Year 2 leavers concert Goldfish & Bee 2:15pm

11th Year 2 leavers concert Jellyfish & Bear 9:15am

12th Friends Summer Disco